A Timeline of Aylesbury

By Tim Lambert

11th Century Aylesbury is a busy little market town

13th Century Aylesbury has 2 annual fairs

Late 14th Century Friars arrive in Aylesbury

1637 John Hampden MP becomes a hero when he refuses to pay Ship Money

1642 During the Civil War a battle is fought at Aylesbury

1700 A lace-making industry flourishes in Aylesbury

1740 The Old County Hall is built. Aylesbury is a stage coaching town. However, it is still a small town.

1801 The population of Aylesbury is 3,186

1814 A canal is dug to Aylesbury

1832 An outbreak of cholera kills 50 people in Aylesbury

1833 An infirmary opens in Aylesbury

1834 The streets are lit by gas

1839 The railway reaches Aylesbury. Afterward, the population of Aylesbury starts to grow more rapidly.

1857 A cemetery opens in Aylesbury

1867 A waterworks opens in Aylesbury

1876 A clock tower is built

1894 Aylesbury is made an urban district council

1901 Aylesbury has a population of 9,240

1908 A museum opens in Aylesbury

1912 A statue of John Hampden is erected

1915 Aylesbury gains an electricity supply

1917 Aylesbury is made a borough

1940 Stoke Mandeville Hospital opens

1951 Aylesbury has a population of 21,240

1952 It is decided Aylesbury should be an overspill town for London

1954 Grange School opens

1966 Friars Square is created

1975 The Civic Centre is built

1983 Hale Leys Shopping Centre opens in Aylesbury

1987 The cattle market closes

1993 Friars Square is refurbished