By Tim Lambert
1631 St John’s Well is discovered
1680 Harrogate is slowly growing as visitors come for its medicinal wells
1749 As the community grows a chapel dedicated to St John Chapel is built
1786 Wedderburn House is built
1788 A theatre is built in Harrogate
1826 Bath Hospital is built
1831 Christ Church is consecrated. By this time Harrogate is growing rapidly. It has a population of 4,000.
1841 An act of parliament forms a body of men with powers to provide amenities for Harrogate
1842 Royal Pump Room is built
1846 A water company is formed
1847 Harrogate gains gas light
1848 The railway reaches Harrogate. Trains boost the growth of the town by making it easier for people to visit.
1884 Harrogate gains a mayor and corporation
1887 The first public library opens in Harrogate
1895 Magnesia Well is discovered
1897 Harrogate gains an electricity supply. The Royal Baths opens.
1900 Harrogate theatre opens
1901 Harrogate is still growing rapidly. It now has a population of about 26,000
1903 Royal Hall is built
1923 A war memorial is erected
1933 Sun Pavilion and Sun Colonnade are built
1951 The population of Harrogate reaches 50,000
1953 The Royal Pump Room becomes a museum
1969 The Baths close
1971 Tewit Well is sealed
1982 Harrogate Conference Centre opens
2008 Royal Hall is restored