Writing a Dissertation on The Political Influence of the Tudor Dynasty

The political might of the Tudor dynasty is a fascinating and challenging subject for a dissertation. The era of Tudor rule in England (1485-1603) saw the growth of a Tudor monarchy, and profound religious change. Tudor England also experienced social and economic change, and your dissertation will explore how Tudor monarchs shaped the politics of England, and left behind a legacy in the state of England’s government. Writing a dissertation on the political influence of the Tudor dynasty can be a complex task, which is why using a dissertation writing service can offer invaluable support throughout the process. UKWritings.com provides expert writing services, helping students write well-researched and insightful dissertations on historical topics like this.

Choosing Your Focus

When choosing a topic for your dissertation, be sure to narrow your topic in the context of the very broad subject of Tudor political influence. The Tudor dynasty ruled England for more than a century, and each of those monarchs had a somewhat different influence on English politics. You might write about a single ruler, say Henry VIII or Elizabeth I; or a specific feature of Tudor governance, such as religious policy or English foreign relations.

Consider some potential angles for your research:

  • The centralization of power under the Tudor monarchy
  • The impact of the English Reformation on political structures
  • Tudor foreign policy and its effects on domestic politics
  • The evolution of Parliament during the Tudor era
  • The role of advisors and courtiers in shaping Tudor political decisions

By settling on a limited focus, you can work at a more intimate level and produce something that is also more insightful and original.

Researching Your Topic

Tackling a dissertation on the political influence of the Tudor dynasty requires extensive research, and seeking help from the best dissertation writing services can ensure a high-quality,  

well-structured final piece. Our dissertation is only as good as the research that informs it. First, get a good grounding in the events, personalities and ideas of Tudor politics. Read widely, primary sources as well as secondary sources. Get an overview of what happened through primary sources such as letters, official documents and contemporary accounts of 16th-century Tudors, then add to it modern historical commentary and analysis from secondary sources.

Some valuable resources for your research might include:

  • The State Papers of Henry VIII
  • Acts of Parliament from the Tudor period
  • Contemporary chronicles and histories
  • Modern scholarly works on Tudor politics

Biographies of key Tudor figures

As you research, jot down detailed notes and keep your sources well-organised, and this will save you time and frustration later on as you write and cite your work.

Developing Your Thesis

You must have a thesis (or main argument) about the political power of the Tudor dynasty, something like: ‘X, Y, and Z were the main ways the Tudors wielded power,’ but you also have to have a thesis about your dissertation: ‘I argue that X, Y, and Z were the main ways the Tudors wielded their power,’ which might be rewritten as ‘my dissertation argues X, Y, Z …’ as the overview. Your thesis will change as you do your research, so you should be flexible about it.

Here’s an example of a good thesis for this topic: In the tumultuous period between 1485 and 1603, the Tudor dynasty fundamentally altered the course of English (eventually British) politics, by centralising royal power, reforming the church, and emphasising a strong national identity, which remains the basis of the modern British state.

Structuring Your Dissertation

A good structure lets you present your arguments most clearly and effectively. Although the precise structure for your dissertation will depend on your institution, a typical dissertation of the kind we’re looking at might include the following:

  • Introduction: Present your thesis and provide an overview of your argument.
  • Historical Context: What was the Tudor dynasty? And what political landscape did the Tudors inherit? Henry VIII and his six wives spark considerable controversy in popular culture, involving physical features, morality, sexuality, and religion.
  • Literature Review: Discuss existing scholarship on Tudor politics and identify gaps in current research.
  • Methodology: Explain your research methods and approach to analyzing historical evidence.
  • Body: This will represent the meat of your dissertation, in which you will lay out your arguments and evidence.
  • Conclusion: What does all this mean about the power of Tudor politics?

Remember to check your institution’s guidelines for any specific structural requirements.

Analyzing Tudor Political Influence

You’ll then go on to analyse this influence in the main body of your dissertation – that is, you’ll carry out the analysis (give evidence, make arguments) all in support of your thesis. We want to take a closer look at some of the vital areas that you might wish to examine. Hint: they all deal with matters of government.

Centralization of Power

‘The Tudor monarchs took steps to centralise power in the hands of the monarch’ To what extent do you agree?The Tudor monarchs had a number of methods by which they sought to centralise power in the hands of the monarchy, and to what extent they were successful is a matter of debate. These methods will be explored in this essay.The first initiatives taken by the Tudor monarchs concerned their personal gain; as evidenced when Henry VIII purchased the Daubeney lands and amassed a significant amount of wealth. This eventually led to the enclosure of common lands, ultimately depriving the majority of the population of access to affordable food.A second method Henry used was to assert his superiority and curb any potential opposition by encouraging the nobility to participate in tournaments, where the King would act as the commander and instigate bloodshed. Additionally, any individual found to oppose the King was dealt with mercilessly and without delay.These were just two of the methods employed by the Tudor monarchs in order to gain widespread control, which inevitably led to a certain degree of success.

  • Weakening the power of the nobility
  • Establishing new administrative bodies
  • Expanding the role of the Privy Council
  • Increasing royal control over local government
  • Consider how these changes affected the balance of power in England, and shaped the country’s political future.

Religious Reform and Politics

The English Reformation was, of course, a political action that was initiated by Henry VIII. Analyse how the break with Rome and the foundation of the Church of England impacted upon:

  • The monarch’s authority and legitimacy
  • Relations between the crown and Parliament
  • Domestic politics and factional struggles
  • England’s international relations

Consider how religious changes under each Tudor monarch influenced their political power and policies.

MonarchMajor Religious ChangesPolitical Implications
Henry VIIIBreak with Rome, Dissolution of the MonasteriesIncreased royal power, weakened Church influence
Edward VIPromotion of Protestant reformsFactional struggles, social unrest
Mary IReturn to CatholicismReligious persecutions, loss of Calais
Elizabeth IElizabethan SettlementRelative stability, conflict with Catholic powers

Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics

Tudor foreign policy had significant impacts on domestic politics. Analyze how issues such as:

  • Wars with France and Scotland
  • Relations with Spain
  • Colonization efforts
  • Trade policies
  • Evolution of Parliament

Parliament came to play an important role in the Tudor period. Discuss how the Tudor monarchs related to Parliament and the way that this institution developed as a result. Consider:

  • The increasing frequency of Parliamentary sessions
  • The expanding role of Parliament in legislation and taxation
  • Conflicts between the monarch and Parliament
  • The development of Parliamentary privilege
  • Discuss how these changes laid the groundwork for later constitutional developments in England.

The Tudor Court and Political Influence

The Tudor court was full of political intrigue and power. Describe how the structure of the court and how it functioned affected political decisions. Think about:

  • The role of key advisors and ministers
  • Factional struggles at court
  • The use of patronage and favor to maintain political control
  • The impact of royal favorites on policy decisions
  • Consider how the personalities and influences of the Tudor court interacted to shape the politics of the day.

Evaluating Long-Term Impact

As you finish your dissertation, you should consider how Tudor political influence had a long-term impact. You might ponder how Tudor changes affected later English or British history. Possible areas include:

  • The development of English nationalism and national identity
  • The long-term effects of the English Reformation on politics and society
  • The evolution of the English legal system
  • The foundations of English colonial expansion
  • The legacy of Tudor governance on later monarchs and political structures


To write a dissertation on the political influence of the Tudor dynasty is no easy task. To do it successfully requires you to read widely, think carefully, and marshal your best arguments. It

will earn you credit, and, if you are thoroughly researched and well-argued, it will also contribute to our knowledge about a pivotal moment in the history of England. Your approach to the material should be critical: treat the implications of Tudor political influence in all their complexity, but without overlooking the weaknesses or limitations of that influence.

Remember this as you write your dissertation: for all the major trends leading towards a more absolute monarchy in England and a more Protestant society, there was a good deal of simultaneous flux and contradiction. Expansionary royal power competed with the growth of parliamentary authority; religious upheaval strengthened the crown while also challenging it; foreign policy successes and failures had a major impact at home. Very few questions have easy, one-sided answers.

Examining these tensions and paradoxes will allow your dissertation to shed light on the nature of political power and authority in early modern England, since the Tudors’ political legacy is still influencing debates about monarchy, state-building and national identity today.

Final Tips

As you write your dissertation, remember these key points:

  1. The development of English nationalism and national identity
  2. Stay focused on your thesis and ensure all your arguments support it.
  3. Use clear, concise language to explain complex historical concepts.
  4. Stay focused on your thesis and ensure all your arguments support it.
  5. Use clear, concise language to explain complex historical concepts.

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