By Tim Lambert
Thomas More, former Chancellor of England was beheaded on 6 July 1535.
Anne Boleyn was beheaded on 19 May 1536.
Former Chancellor Thomas Cromwell was beheaded for treason on 28 July 1540.
Catherine Howard the 5th wife of Henry VIII was executed on 13 February 1542.
On 12 February 1554, Lady Jane Grey was executed (beheaded) by Queen Mary.
On 21 March 1556, the Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury was burned to death by the Catholic Queen Mary (1553-1558).
On 8 February 1587, Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded.
On 29 October 1618, Walter Raleigh was beheaded.
On 10 January 1645 William Laud, the Archbishop of Canterbury was beheaded.
On 30 January 1649 King Charles I of England was executed (beheaded).
On 15 July 1685, the Duke of Monmouth was beheaded for treason after leading a rebellion.
On 2 September 1685, Alice Lisle became the last woman to be beheaded in England.
On 23 May 1701 Captain William Kidd was hanged for piracy.
Infamous highwayman Dick Turpin was hanged on 7 April 1739.
On 9 April 1747, Simon Lovat (Lord Lovat) became the last person to be beheaded on Tower Hill by the Tower of London.
On 5 May 1760 Laurence Shirley, the Earl of Ferrers became the last peer to be hanged. (For murdering a servant).
On 3 November 1783, a highwayman named John Austin became the last person to be hanged at Tyburn, west of London.
On 25 April 1792 highwayman Nicolas Jacques Pelletier became the first person in France to be guillotined.
On 21 January 1793, King Louis XVI was guillotined.
On 16 October 1793 Marie Antoinette went to the guillotine.
Maximilien Robespierre, one of the leaders of the French Revolution was guillotined on 28 July 1794
On 18 May 1812, John Bellingham was hanged for assassinating British Prime Minister Spencer Percival.
The last person to be hanged from a yardarm was a marine called John Dalinger. He was hanged from the yardarm of a ship called HMS Leven on 13 July 1860.
On 29 April 1862, Mary Timney became the last woman to be hanged in public in Scotland. She was hanged in Dumfries.
On 21 June 1864, George Bryce became the last person to be executed in public in Edinburgh.
On 28 July 1865, Edward Pritchard became the last person to be hanged in public in Glasgow.
The last woman to be publicly hanged in Britain was Frances Kidder on 2 April 1868.
The last man to be hanged in public was Michael Barrett on 26 May 1868.
On 11 November 1880 Ned Kelly, the Australian bushranger was hanged.
On 6 August 1890, William Kemmler became the first man to be executed in the electric chair.
On 7 August 1890, Anna Mansdotter became the last woman to be executed in Sweden. She was beheaded with an axe.
On 20 March 1899, Martha Place became the first woman to be executed in the electric chair.
On 23 November 1910, Alfred Ander became the last person to be executed in Sweden.
On 12 October 1915 nurse Edith Cavell was shot for helping Allied prisoners of war to escape.
On 8 February 1924, Gee Jon became the first person to be executed in the gas chamber.
On 17 June 1939 murderer Eugène Weidmann became the last person to be publicly guillotined in France.
On 15 August 1941, Josef Jakobs became the last person to be executed in the Tower of London. (He was shot).
On 15 October 1945 French traitor Pierre Laval was shot.
On 24 October 1945, Norwegian traitor Vidkun Quisling was hanged.
On 3 January 1946, William Joyce AKA Lord Haw-Haw was hanged for treason.
On 16 October 1946, 10 Nazis were hanged at Nuremberg.
On 22 April 1949, Germaine Leloy-Godefroy became the last French woman to be guillotined.
On 9 March 1950, Timothy Evans was hanged. He was pardoned in 1966.
On 28 January 1953, Derek Bentley was hanged. He was pardoned in 1998.
On 19 June 1953 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in the electric chair for spying for the Soviet Union.
On 25 April 1954, Michael Manning became the last person to be hanged in Ireland.
On 13 July 1955, Ruth Ellis became the last woman to be hanged in Britain.
On 18 February 1957, Walter Bolton became the last person to be executed in New Zealand.
On 5 November 1959, Guenther Podola became the last person in Britain to be hanged for killing a police officer.
On 1 June 1962 Nazi Adolf Eichmann was hanged in Israel.
On 15 August 1963, Henry John Burnett became the last man to be hanged in Scotland. (He was hanged in Aberdeen).
The last people to be hanged in the UK were two men, Peter Allen and Gwynne Jones who were hanged on 13 August 1964.
On 3 February 1967, Ronald Ryan became the last man to be hanged in Australia.
On 17 January 1977 Gary Gilmore was executed by firing squad.
On 10 September 1977, Hamida Djandoubi became the last person in France to be guillotined.
On 7 December 1982, Charles Brooks Jr became the first person executed by lethal injection.
On 2 November 1984, Velma Barfield became the first woman to be executed by lethal injection.
On 25 December 1989, former Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife were shot.
On 30 December 2006 former dictator of Iraq Saddam Hussein was hanged.