Author’s Abstract: How to Write It Properly

So that the Commission, students, or interested readers can quickly familiarize themselves with the content of the article, the author must prepare an abstract – the characteristics of the scientific text, including its content, relevance, a description of the work performed, and the conclusions are drawn.

Author’s abstract in science

If the usual abstract – an analysis of other people’s work on a certain topic, the abstract writes itself the author of the diploma, thesis, or dissertation. The abstract is a scientific publication, which is a summary of the scientific work. With its help, you can quickly introduce your research to a large number of people. It is very important to write this paper right. So you can check to get professional help. First of all, the abstract is needed for the presentation of your work. At receipt of the degree of candidate or doctor of sciences the abstract is necessary for admission to the defense. The committee is unlikely to be familiar with the full content of all the dissertations they have to listen to. But, thanks to a carefully prepared abstract, you will have the opportunity to find out exactly what you did in the course of preparation and what conclusions you came to. But the abstract will also come in handy in the future – so a wider range of readers can become familiar with your research.

Structure of the abstract

The abstract must be fully consistent with the plan of your work. It cannot be written in free form: it has a structure that must be adhered to for a successful defense of your work. The abstract should have the following sections:

  • Introduction. It includes the relevance of the work, the object, and subject of the study, the goals and objectives set. It is worth indicating whether the work was able to achieve its goals, as well as to note their contribution to the study and the practical usefulness of the work done. This also includes a general description of your dissertation: information about the supervisor, your opponents, and the timing of the defense.
  • The main part is a summary of your article with a visual demonstration of the work done. Please note that the main emphasis in the abstract is on the practical part, not the theoretical part. Tell how the research was conducted, what methods were used, and what results were obtained.
  • Conclusion. Here you can summarize the work performed, evaluate the results obtained, talk about the effectiveness of the chosen methods and the success of the study. Here you can also recall the practical usefulness of the data obtained, as well as formulate the issues discovered during the research, which you will work on in the future.
  • A list of your published works on the topic. These can be books, periodicals, and articles on the topic of your dissertation, which you have written and published yourself. This is a mandatory item for the thesis abstract, as without your publications you will not be allowed to defend your thesis.

Without correctly and timely completed abstract you will not be allowed to defend. Its preparation is a complicated process, which is not less important than writing the thesis itself. It is worth taking responsibility for writing the thesis abstract, as it is the abstract, not the full text of the research, that most of your audience will get acquainted with. It should contain so much information about the research that any reader familiar with your specialty can easily understand the work you have done.

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