A Biography of Caroline Herschel

By Tim Lambert Caroline Herschel was a famous woman astronomer of the 18th century. Caroline was born on 16 March 1750 in Hanover, Germany. She was one of 8 children. Her father Isaac Herschel was a musician. Her mother was called Anna. Caroline’s mother did not want her daughters to be educated but fortunately, her… Continue reading A Biography of Caroline Herschel

A Biography of Catherine of Aragon

By Tim Lambert Catherine of Aragon was born on 16 December 1485. She was the daughter of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. Like most upper-class girls at that time, Catherine was highly educated. As an adult, she was very erudite. Because of her learning, she was admired by scholars like Erasmus and Juan… Continue reading A Biography of Catherine of Aragon

A Biography of Christopher Marlowe

By Tim Lambert The early life of Christopher Marlowe Christopher Marlowe was a great Elizabethan playwright. He was baptised in Canterbury, Kent on 26 February 1564. The exact date of his birth is not certain but he was born the same year as William Shakespeare during the reign of Elizabeth I. His father John Marlowe… Continue reading A Biography of Christopher Marlowe