A Short History of South Africa

By Tim Lambert Dedicated to Anthony Simon Pursell Early South Africa Over a hundred thousand years ago people in what is now South Africa lived by hunting animals and gathering plants. They used stone tools. Then about 2,000 years ago people in the west learned to herd sheep and cattle. About 200 AD people mixed… Continue reading A Short History of South Africa

A Short History of Sweden

By Tim Lambert Ancient Sweden The first humans arrived in Sweden by 8,000 BC after the end of the ice age, when warming temperatures first made the country habitable. The first Swedes were stone-age hunters and fishermen who lived near the coast. However, after 4,000 BC farming was introduced into Sweden. The farmers used stone… Continue reading A Short History of Sweden

A Short History of Switzerland

By Tim Lambert Early Switzerland About 500 BC a Celtic people called the Helveti entered Switzerland from the west. However, by 58 BC the Romans ruled the area and they built a capital at Aventicum (Avenches). In the following centuries, Switzerland became thoroughly Romanized. The Romans built roads and other towns. However, in 260 a… Continue reading A Short History of Switzerland

A Short History of Tanzania

By Tim Lambert Ancient Tanzania The first human beings in Tanzania lived by hunting animals and gathering plants. Agriculture in Tanzania probably began about 1,000 BC but the farmers still made wooden and stone tools. However, by the 4th century AD, Bantu people began to migrate to Tanzania. They brought iron tools and weapons. Meanwhile,… Continue reading A Short History of Tanzania

A Short History of Thailand

By Tim Lambert Early Thailand The earliest inhabitants of what is now Thailand were hunter-gatherers. However, about 4,000 BC they began farming. They grew rice. At first, the farmers used stone tools but about 3,000 BC bronze was discovered. From about 500 BC the people of what is now Thailand used iron. At first, what… Continue reading A Short History of Thailand

A Short History of the Dominican Republic

By Tim Lambert The Early Dominican Republic The Dominican Republic forms part of the island of Hispaniola. Before the Europeans arrived a people called the Arawaks lived there. However, on 6 December 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the northwest and called the island Espanola, which was later anglicized as Hispaniola. Spanish settlers founded San Domingo… Continue reading A Short History of the Dominican Republic