A Brief History of Honduras

By Tim Lambert Early Honduras For thousands of years, indigenous peoples lived in Honduras. The greatest of them was the Mayans. However, the first European to reach Honduras was Christopher Columbus on 30 July 1502. Columbus later sailed as far south as Panama. The area became known as Honduras from the Spanish word for depths.… Continue reading A Brief History of Honduras

A Brief History of Cuba

By Tim Lambert Early Cuba The first European to reach Cuba was Christopher Columbus in 1492. At that time the indigenous people lived by farming. They grew cassava, maize, and yams. They also smoked tobacco. In 1511 Diego Velasquez conquered the island of Cuba and he founded several settlements including Havana. The natives were devastated… Continue reading A Brief History of Cuba

Tooth Worms

By Tim Lambert For centuries people thought that tooth decay was caused by worms. About 50 AD a Roman called Scribonius Largus wrote about them. He recommended putting henbane seeds on a hot metal plate over burning charcoal and inhaling the seeds to fumigate your mouth then rinsing your mouth with cold water. Henbane was… Continue reading Tooth Worms

A History of Angels

By Tim Lambert Angels are intermediaries between God and human beings. (The word angel is derived from the Greek word angelos, which means messenger). The study of angels is called Angelology. Angels in the Bible The Bible often mentions angels. Angels are mentioned 273 times. The Bible says that human beings were made a little… Continue reading A History of Angels

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A History of the Waldensians

 By Tim Lambert The Waldensians are a Christian sect that began in the 12th century and continues to the present day. By the Middle Ages, the Church was rich and powerful and some people criticized its worldliness. About 1175 a merchant of Lyons called Peter Waldo gave away his wealth and began preaching. He soon… Continue reading A History of the Waldensians

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A Brief History of Antarctica

By Tim Lambert The Early Explorers of Antarctica Although it is now a frozen wilderness Antarctica was once much further north and it had a tropical or semi-tropical climate. Forests grew there and life flourished. The Ancient Greeks realized there might be a great continent in the southern hemisphere. Aristotle argued that since the world… Continue reading A Brief History of Antarctica

A Dictionary of History

By Tim Lambert This is a dictionary of terms used in history A ABRAHAM MAN In Tudor times an Abraham man begged alms by pretending to be mad. The name comes from Abraham Ward in Bedlam. ABSOLUTE MONARCHY This is a political system where the monarch has unlimited power. It was summed up by the… Continue reading A Dictionary of History

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