A Brief Biography of Grigori Rasputin

By Tim Lambert Grigori Rasputin was born in a village in Siberia. We don’t know the exact date but it was around 1869. At that time life in Siberia was hard and primitive. It was almost untouched by the Industrial Revolution that was sweeping western Europe. However, the Rasputin family were not poor peasants. They… Continue reading A Brief Biography of Grigori Rasputin

A Brief Biography of Enid Blyton

By Tim Lambert Enid Blyton was a famous writer of children’s books. Enid was born on 11 August 1897 in East Dulwich, London. Her father, Thomas Blyton was a salesman. Her mother was called Theresa. Enid had two younger brothers. Unfortunately in 1910, her father left the family for another woman. From 1907 Enid went… Continue reading A Brief Biography of Enid Blyton

Ancient Spain

By Tim Lambert From about 900 BC seafaring people called the Phoenicians who came from what is now Lebanon traded with what is now Spain. They founded a chain of trading settlements along the coast on islands and peninsulas. The Iberians gave the Phoenicians silver in return for wine and olive oil as well as… Continue reading Ancient Spain

The Hittites

By Tim Lambert  The Hittites lived in what is now Turkey. They moved to Turkey about 2,000 BC and at first, they were divided into separate states. However about 1,650 BC, they were united by King Labarnas. The Hittites were a powerful and warlike people. About 1595 BC they captured Babylon. Later the Hittites fought… Continue reading The Hittites

The Minoans

By Tim Lambert  The Minoan civilization existed in Crete. It was the first European civilization. About 2,500 BC a sophisticated society grew up on the island of Crete. By about 1,950 BC the inhabitants had invented a form of writing using hieroglyphs. This writing is called linear A. The Minoans were a bronze-age civilization. (They… Continue reading The Minoans

The Assyrian Empire

By Tim Lambert The Assyrians were a warlike people from the north of what is now Iraq. From about 880 BC to 612 BC they ruled a great empire in the Middle East. The first great Assyrian king was Tiglath-pileser (c.1115-1077) who warred against people in Asia Minor and who defeated the Babylonians (of southern… Continue reading The Assyrian Empire

The Philistines

By Tim Lambert The Philistines lived in the Southwest of the country we now call Israel. It is believed the Philistines originally came from the Agean or possibly from Crete. They invaded the coast of what is now Israel about 1200 BC. The Philistine realm was called Philistia and it included 5 cities Gaza, Ashkelon,… Continue reading The Philistines

A Timeline of the Bible

By Tim Lambert 4004 BC According to Bishop Ussher in the 17th century the world was created on this date. The mythical Garden of Eden was supposed to have been in the Middle East 2349 BC  Noah and his family are the only survivors of a worldwide flood. Myths about a universal flood occur in… Continue reading A Timeline of the Bible

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