Gain an Edge at Online Craps

Have you wandered into an online casino, dazzled by the lights and sounds emanating from the virtual craps tables? Craps can seem intimidating to newcomers with its many betting options and rowdy atmosphere. However, learning a few key strategies can help you gain an edge against the house at ClubHouse Casino. Arm yourself with knowledge before bringing money to the table, and you may just saunter away with padded pockets.

We’ll explore essential craps tactics so you can roll with confidence and savor those sweet victories. From smart bets to dice setting techniques, these tips aim to assist both green and seasoned players. With Lady Luck on your side, profitable rolls await. Let’s get started!

Favor the Pass

Among the maze of boxes and seemingly inscrutable lingo on a craps layout reside a few choice wagers. The Pass Line bet reigns as one of your best options, offering low-house edge bets to back the shooter. You win if the come-out roll lands on 7 or 11. A 2, 3, or 12 means craps and a lost bet. Any other number becomes your “point,” which you want to hit again before a 7 turns up.

Due to the even-money payout on wins after the comeout and other rules tilt, this popular bet gives you roughly a 1.4% house edge. With many other options hovering around 5% or higher, the Pass Line provides one of your best statistical chances to gain over the casino. While you’ll still lose more long-term, the Pass allows you to endure the short-term swings and stick around to possibly catch a hot shooter.

Venture Further Downfield

Moving a bit further down the layout brings you to the Field bet, covering the following numbers:

2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12

This self-contained bet pays even money on 3, 4, 9, 10, 11. If a 2 or 12 show up, enjoy a two-to-one payout. You win if any of the numbers above come up before the next 7.

While all those numbers may seem appealing, the house edges still reach an average of about 2.78% for the Field. However, this bet becomes available on the come out roll, giving you additional chances to win. The Field bet injects some quick excitement into your craps experience. Sprinkle some chips here to vary your gameplay and capitalize if luck heads your way.

Set Your Dice in Motion

Before those lovely cubed bones tumble down the table, you may wish to influence their trajectory through dice setting or dice control techniques. Skilled proponents of these methods claim ability in decreasing randomness and nudging probabilities in their favor. Physics and mechanics intertwine as you carefully grip and toss.

Follow these steps for attempting dice control:

  • Grip gently between finger pads, aligning edges parallel to the table
  • Set firmly against the back wall, avoiding sliding
  • Throw smoothly like tossing darts, avoiding spins
  • Follow through straight, maintaining initial orientation

Release the dice as cleanly as possible, hoping they stay set through impact. While you likely won’t achieve perfection at first, practice makes progress. Dialing in more consistent slides, slides, and tosses pays dividends down the line. As you connect on more points and passes, don’t get too cocky! Casinos still hold an overall mathematical edge despite your best efforts.

Press the Pedal Down

As the shooters heat up at your table, consider employing the pressing strategy. After landing your point or winning bet, “press” it by adding more chips onto your original wager. Keep pursuing this tactic on subsequent wins, accelerating your bets’ value.

You increase exposure and volatility in pressing, which gets your heart racing. Don’t get overzealous with it or a cold streak can rapidly melt your bankroll. Exercise smart risk management and willpower, knowing when to ease off the gas. Pressing allows bigger wins when luck rides high while still limiting losses on crappy rolls.

Craps Bets Cheat Sheet

New to craps? Here are a few of the most popular bets summarized:

BetPaysHouse EdgeNotes
Pass Line1:11.41%Excellent starter bet with even odds after point set. Win on the first 7 or 11. Lose on first 2, 3, 12. Other numbers set point.
Don’t Pass1:11.36%Essentially opposite of Pass Line. You lose on 7 or 11. Win on 2 or 3. Push on 12. Other numbers set points to avoid.
Come1:11.41%Same as Pass but starts later, after the point set. Win on 7 or 11. Lose on 2, 3, 12. Other numbers become your come point numbers.
Field2:1 (2,12) / 1:12.78%Quick bet on the next roll. Covers just these numbers – 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Place BetsVariable1.52%Can be made on 6, 8 anytime. Win if the number rolls before 7. Pays more the harder the number generally.
Big 6/81:19%High house edge! Wins if 6 or 8 rolled before 7.

Dip and Dodge Dangers

While craps seems complex at first glance, just a handful of smart bets drive success. Avoid sucker bets like Big 6/Big 8, Hardways, and Proposition bets. These flashy options grab attention with high payouts but the house advantage also soars into double digits. Don’t let the big numbers seduce you! Stick with Pass, Come, Field, and Place Bets as your bread and butter.

The Horn bet covering 2, 3, 11, and 12 looks enticing too but carries a beastly 12.5% house edge. That’s more than ten times worse than the Pass Line! Getting bamboozled by these flashy bets erodes bankrolls fast. Learn the layout intricacies and where prime advantages hide before putting money down. Master craps by maximizing value and minimizing risk.

Set the Table for Success

Preparation breeds confidence and competence at the tables or screens. Study the unique lingo and etiquette before playing so you can focus on strategy. Nothing leaves you more exposed than looking lost. Know the game flow, how to place proper bets, and when to toss those dotted decagons. With a few guidelines and favorite tactics in your back pocket, craps opens up as an exciting game of skill and chance.

While craps appears chaotic at first, recognizing a few key bets and playing the percentages goes a long way. You likely won’t conquer craps overnight, but consistent application of these tips stacks the odds further in your favor. Between passes, presses, and calculated risk-taking, profitable rolls could be in your future. Just don’t get cocky or bet the house payment! Set yourself up for a craps victory by rolling with the odds.

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