Pictures of Sherborne, Shaftesbury and Gillingham

By Tim Lambert

Here are some pictures I took of the charming town of Sherborne in Dorset. Below is Sherborne Abbey.

The old English word ceap meant trade. It gradually changed to our word cheap. Cheap Street is still the main shopping street in Sherborne.

Below is the conduit in Sherborne. It was once a washing place for monks.

The Old Castle at Sherborne, sadly now in ruins

A post box in Sherborne was painted gold to commemorate Peter Wilson, a swimmer who won a gold medal in the Olympic Games.

Here are some pictures I took of the small but charming town of Shaftesbury in Dorset

Gold Hill (famous for a Hovis advert which was made there in 1973).

ROLT Millennium Green in Shaftesbury

A view from the town

Shaftesbury Town Hall built in 1837

Nearby is the town of Gillingham

A view of Gillingham

Gillingham Bridge

Chantry Fields in Gillingham

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