How interested are you in your country’s history? It’s a question many of us can ask ourselves and come away with less than positive answers. There’s just so much to do and so many things to learn about besides history to ever get around to it.
According to recent research, only about 1% of academic students pursue and ultimately graduate with a degree in history. With globalization taking root and borders between countries becoming ever smaller, why should students care about history? How exactly can today’s students benefit from learning about their country’s history?
Different Ways to Learn About History
History is a very broad topic and delving deeper into it will require you to be passionate about it. It’s why most of us only have a passing understanding of our country’s origins and the events which shaped it until today. However, history has various aspects and sub-categories which might pique your interests. You can start learning more through several different historic avenues, such as:
Geographic History
Meta History
Religious History
Literary History
Don’t box yourself in and try to learn about your country’s history by force. Find different literature and different resources until you’re satisfied with the author, the medium, and the contents of the material you picked up.
Avoid Repeating Past Mistakes
Unfortunately, history is riddled with examples of good people doing bad things, and bad people doing even worse things. By learning about what the people of your country did before, you’ll grow to understand your current situation. How has your country progressed, or regressed, since person X did Y in the year Z?
History is a puzzle and by learning about it, you’ll know how to avoid making similar mistakes throughout your life. If a history-based essay topic comes your way in college, you can use I Hate Writing to ask for help from a professional writer. Learn not only from the mistakes of others throughout history but also from your own – always have your writing proofread.
Understand your Identity
How much do you know about who you are as an individual? Where has your family come from and what does your lineage look like? While you may not think that it’s important to know these details, they can help you feel grounded as an individual.
Knowing more about your family tree and how you came about will give you a better sense of purpose and identity. This will help you identify as an equal member of your country’s population and teach you how to appreciate your roots instead of being in the dark about them.
Become More Knowledgeable and Well-Rounded
Knowing more about your national history will make you more knowledgeable and well-rounded in social situations. Whether you hang out with friends, talk to your teachers, or apply for jobs, understanding your country’s history will help you significantly.
You’ll understand your position in society and the opportunities before you more clearly. You may also develop a deeper passion for history which can lead you to pursue formal education on your country’s history. Everyone loves to be around people who are full of interesting tidbits of information. By learning about your country, you will become that person in your social group and anywhere else you go.
Learning Your Country’s History
Depending on your affinities, there are many different ways for you to learn more about your country’s history. You can study art history and tackle history from the perspective of the artists who’ve lived through it.
You can also opt for social studies, geography, or world history and learn about your country’s role in the grand scheme of things. There are plenty of benefits to knowing how your country came to be the way it is today. Find an enticing way to learn about it and it won’t feel like a chore to study – quite the opposite.
Bio: Carl Hill is a content writing specialist, email marketer, and essay writer. He is very passionate about
social studies, history, and geopolitics, passions which he translates into easily digestible, actionable written content. Carl spends his free time catching up on global news, reading books, and traveling the world.