A Timeline of Durham

By Tim Lambert

995 The body of St Cuthbert is buried in Durham and it draws many visitors

1006 The Scots attack Durham but they are driven off

1038 The Scots attack Durham again but they are driven off once more

1069 Normans are massacred in Durham. In retaliation, the Normans devastate the area.

1072 The Normans build a castle at Durham

1091 The Bishop of Durham is given wide powers by the king

1112 St Giles Hospital is built

1120 Framwell Bridge is built

1133 Durham Cathedral is completed

1162 Elvet Bridge is built

1312 Robert the Bruce burns the suburbs of Durham

1356 The first Town Hall is built at Durham

1538 The king’s men demolish the shrine of St Cuthbert

1544 Durham suffers an outbreak of plague

1565 Durham gains a corporation and a mayor (although the Bishop is still very powerful)

1589 Plague strikes Durham again

1598 Plague returns to Durham

1644 During the Civil War the Scots Durham

1722 The first theatre opens in Durham

1750 Durham has a population of perhaps 5,000

1771 Durham suffers a serious flood

1787 Durham Infirmary is founded

1790 A body of men is given powers to pave the streets of Durham and light them with oil lamps

1801 Durham has a population of about 7,500

1820 Durham prison is built

1824 Durham gains gas light

1832 Durham University is founded

1844 The railway reaches Durham

1851 Durham Town Hall is rebuilt

1901 The population of Durham is about 16,000

1952 St Mary’s College is founded

1960 The School of Oriental Studies opens

1963 County Hall is built. Kingsgate Bridge is built.

1964 The Magistrates Court is built

1965 St Aidan’s College opens

1969 A Museum of the Durham Light Infantry opens

1973 Collingwood College opens

1975 A new Elvet Bridge is built

1976 Millburngate Shopping Centre is built

1999 Prince Bishops Shopping Centre opens

2002 Gala Theatre and Clayport Library opens