A Timeline of Los Angeles

By Tim Lambert 1781 A settlement is founded in Los Angeles 1822 The Plaza Catholic Church is built 1848 Gold is discovered in California 1850 Los Angeles is incorporated 1851 Los Angeles gains its first newspaper 1861-62 Los Angeles suffers floods 1870 Los Angeles is a thriving town with a population of 5,614 1874 The… Continue reading A Timeline of Los Angeles

A Timeline of Boston, Massachusetts

By Tim Lambert 1630 English Puritans found Boston 1631 The first sailing ship built in America is launched from Boston 1634 Samuel Cole opens an inn in Boston 1659 Two Quakers are hanged in Boston 1636 Harvard College opens 1659 Copp’s Hill Burying Ground opens. It is named after William Copp. 1660 Smallpox strikes Boston 1676 The first coffeehouse opens in Boston 1690 Smallpox… Continue reading A Timeline of Boston, Massachusetts

A Timeline of Sweden

By Tim Lambert 8,000 BC The first people arrive in Sweden 4,000 BC People in Sweden begin farming 2,000 BC Bronze is introduced into Sweden 500 BC Iron is introduced into Sweden 9th Century AD Sweden becomes a single kingdom. Swedes cross the Baltic and sail along rivers into Russia. 1008 Olof Skotkonung King of Sweden becomes a Christian. The other… Continue reading A Timeline of Sweden

A Timeline of Malta

By Tim Lambert 5,200 BC Stone Age farmers arrive in Malta 3,600-2,500 BC The age of building temples in Malta 800 BC The Phoenicians from Lebanon sail to Malta 400 BC The city of Carthage in North Africa rules Malta 218 BC The Romans conquer Malta c. 60 AD The missionary Paul is shipwrecked  on Malta… Continue reading A Timeline of Malta

A Timeline of Canada

By Tim Lambert 1497 Jean Cabot sails to Newfoundland 1535 Jacques Cartier (1491-1557) sails into the St Lawrence River 1603 Samuel de Champlain (1567-1635) founds Port Royal 1608 de Champlain founds Quebec 1610 Henry Hudson discovers Hudson Bay 1642 The French found Montreal 1670 The English found the Hudson Bay Company 1685 The population of… Continue reading A Timeline of Canada

A Timeline of Argentina

By Tim Lambert 1516 Juan de Solis reaches the River Plate 1526 Sebastian Cabot reaches the same area 1580 Buenos Aires is founded 1776 A Viceroy of the River Plate is founded with Buenos Aires as its capital 1806 The British capture Buenos Aires but soon withdraw 1810 The Viceroy is deposed and a junta… Continue reading A Timeline of Argentina

A Timeline of Japan

By Tim Lambert c. 8,000 BC People in Japan begin making pottery. They live by hunting, fishing, and collecting shellfish. c. 300 BC – 300 AD The Yayoi period in Japan. The Japanese begin growing rice, weaving cloth, and using bronze and iron. 300 – 710 AD The Kofun Period. Japan is gradually united. Writing… Continue reading A Timeline of Japan

A Timeline of Cambodia

By Tim Lambert c 2,300 BC People in Cambodia begin farming. At first, they use stone tools. 1,500 BC People in Cambodia begin using bronze tools 500 BC People in Cambodia begin using iron. The first civilization arises in the Mekong River Delta. c 600 AD All of Cambodia is highly civilized 802 AD Jayavarman… Continue reading A Timeline of Cambodia

A Timeline of Tunisia

By Tim Lambert 8,000 BC People in Tunisia live by hunting and gathering 5,000 BC People in Tunisia live by farming 1100 BC The Phoenicians settle and trade in Tunisia c 480 BC The Phoenicians found Carthage in Tunisia 263-241 BC Carthage fights Rome 218-202 BC Carthage fights Rome again but is defeated 149-143 BC… Continue reading A Timeline of Tunisia