A History of Work

By Tim Lambert Work in Pre-Industrial Britain Before the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th century and 19th century, most people worked as farmers. Only a small minority of people worked in industry. Most of the Celts, who lived in Britain from 650 BC onward were farmers although were also many skilled craftsmen. Some Celts… Continue reading A History of Work

A Timeline of Tea and Coffee

By Tim Lambert 2737 BC According to legend tea is discovered by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung 1000 AD According to legend coffee is discovered around this time c 1450 Coffee is drunk in Yemen c 1550 Coffee is drunk in Turkey and Persia 1610 The Dutch introduce tea into Europe 1651 A coffee house opens in Oxford 1652 A coffee house… Continue reading A Timeline of Tea and Coffee

Anglo-Saxon Women

By Tim Lambert In Anglo-Saxon England, women had considerable rights and freedom (unless they were slaves! Both men and women were slaves). Married women could own and inherit property. Some women were landowners. If a man married a woman he had to give her either money or land. After they married it was her property… Continue reading Anglo-Saxon Women

Britain Since 1948

By Tim Lambert Britain has changed greatly since 1948. Today people are much richer. They live in far more comfortable homes and ordinary people can afford things that were luxuries in 1948 (like foreign holidays). People are also healthier and they live longer. They also have things like the internet that were not even dreamed… Continue reading Britain Since 1948