A Tudor Christmas

By Wendy Pyatt Tudor Christmas Carols The earliest recorded collection of Christmas carols dates from 1521 published by Wynken de Worde and includes The Boars Head Carol. Carol means to dance with a song and carols flourished throughout Tudor times as a way to celebrate and to spread the message of the nativity. Other Christmas… Continue reading A Tudor Christmas

Poor Tudors

By Tim Lambert In the 16th century, about half the population lived at subsistence (bare survival) level. Life for them was hard and rough. During the 16th century, there was inflation, especially in the mid-century, and prices rose steeply. Wages rose too but less than prices so real earnings fell. They reached their lowest point in 1597.… Continue reading Poor Tudors

Rich Tudors

By Tim Lambert Houses of the Rich In the Middle Ages, rich people’s houses were designed for defence rather than comfort. In the 16th century, life was safer so houses no longer had to be easy to defend. It was an age when rich people built grand houses e.g. Cardinal Wolsey built Hampton Court Palace.… Continue reading Rich Tudors