Famous People From Yorkshire

By Tim Lambert BARNSLEY John Arden 1930-2012 Playwright Barry Hines 1939-2016 Writer BEVERLEY Julia Pardoe 1806-1862 Writer BINGLEY Rodney Bewes 1938-2017 Actor Sir Fred Hoyle 1915-2001 Astronomer Harvey Smith 1938- Equestrian BIRSTALL Joseph Priestley 1733-1804 Scientist who discovered oxygen BRADFORD Sir Edward Appleton 1892-1965 Physicist John Braine 1922-1986 Writer John Gerard Braine 1922-1986 Writer Frank Carr 1858-1916 Composer… Continue reading Famous People From Yorkshire

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A History of the Longbow

By Tim Lambert The longbow was developed in Wales in the 12th century. In the late 13th century the English conquered Wales but they were impressed by the longbow. The English king, Edward I took Welsh archers into his army. The longbow proved deadly at the battle of Falkirk in 1298 between the English and… Continue reading A History of the Longbow

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Life in Ancient Egypt

By Tim Lambert Egypt was said to be the gift of the Nile. Each summer the Nile flooded and provided water to grow crops. For irrigation Egyptians used a device called shaduf. it was a ‘see-saw’ with a leather container at one end, which was filled with water, and a counterweight at the other. When… Continue reading Life in Ancient Egypt

The Origins of Some Old Sayings

By Tim Lambert Below is a list of old sayings and where they came from. However, sometimes it is impossible to say for certain how an old saying originated. Sometimes we can only give the most likely explanation. ACHILLES HEEL In Greek mythology, Thetis dipped her son Achilles in the mythical River Styx. Anyone who was immersed… Continue reading The Origins of Some Old Sayings

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A History of Underwear

By Tim Lambert Early Underwear The ancient Egyptians sometimes wore loincloths. The Romans also wore underwear. Both Roman men and women wore a loincloth or shorts called subligaculum. Women also wore a band of cloth or leather around their chest called a strophium. During the Middle Ages men wore linen shorts called braies but women… Continue reading A History of Underwear