The Philistines

By Tim Lambert The Philistines lived in the Southwest of the country we now call Israel. It is believed the Philistines originally came from the Agean or possibly from Crete. They invaded the coast of what is now Israel about 1200 BC. The Philistine realm was called Philistia and it included 5 cities Gaza, Ashkelon,… Continue reading The Philistines

A Timeline of the Bible

By Tim Lambert 4004 BC According to Bishop Ussher in the 17th century the world was created on this date. 2349 BC  Noah and his family are the only survivors of a worldwide flood. Myths about a universal flood occur in many cultures.  2242 BC People attempt to build a tower to Heaven at Babel.… Continue reading A Timeline of the Bible

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A Biography of Alexander Fleming

By Tim Lambert Alexander Fleming was the man who discovered penicillin. He was born in Lochfield, Ayrshire, Scotland on 6 August 1881. He went to Kilmarnock Academy. However, Alexander Fleming moved to London. He worked as a shipping clerk for a time then when a relative left him some money he went to study medicine… Continue reading A Biography of Alexander Fleming