A Brief History of Mathematics

By Tim Lambert Mathematics in the Ancient World Prehistoric people must have used simple arithmetic. However, when people became civilized mathematics became far more important. Proper record-keeping was essential. In Iraq, a people called the Sumerians counted in sets of 60. We still divide hours into 60 minutes and minutes into 60 seconds. We also… Continue reading A Brief History of Mathematics

A History of Science

By Tim Lambert Ancient Greek Science The Ancient Greeks were the first scientists. Greek philosophers tried to explain what the world is made of and how it works. Empedocles (c. 494-434 BC) said that the world is made of four elements, earth, fire, water, and air. Aristotle (384-322 BC) accepted the theory of the four… Continue reading A History of Science

A History of Measurement

By Tim Lambert Measurement of Distance and Weight People have always measured things. It was necessary to measure distances, and lengths and to weigh things. Today we take measurements for granted but for our ancestors making exact measurements was difficult. The earliest and most obvious way of measuring things was using parts of the human… Continue reading A History of Measurement

A History of Transport

By Tim Lambert TRANSPORT IN THE ANCIENT WORLD The first form of transport was, of course, the human foot! However, people eventually learned to use animals for transport. Donkeys and horses were probably domesticated between 4,000 and 3,000 BC (obviously the exact date is not known). Camels were domesticated slightly later between 3,000 and 2,000… Continue reading A History of Transport

A History of Inventions

By Tim Lambert Inventions in the Ancient World The Egyptians invented the sailing ship about 3,100 BC. The wheel was invented in Sumer (Iraq) in about 3,400 BC. It may have been invented first as the potter’s wheel and later used for transport. The first carts and chariots had solid wheels and oxen or asses… Continue reading A History of Inventions

A History of Weapons

By Tim Lambert Prehistoric Weapons Human beings have probably always killed each other. Early people used clubs, axes, and spears. They also used bows and arrows. (Cave paintings from Spain dating from 10,000 to 5,000 BC show men fighting with bows). A wooden club is a surprisingly effective weapon. As early as 6,000 BC African… Continue reading A History of Weapons

Life in the New Testament

By Tim Lambert New Testament Society In 63 BC the Roman general Pompey captured Jerusalem. From that time the Romans ruled Israel. It was divided into three parts, Galilee in the north, Samaria in the middle, and Judea in the south. The Jews had to pay taxes to Rome, which they resented. Jewish tax collectors… Continue reading Life in the New Testament