A Brief History of Namibia

By Tim Lambert Early Namibia In the year 1487, a Portuguese named Bartholomew Diaz reached what is now Namibia. However, Europeans showed little interest in Namibia until the 19th century because there was a desert along its coast. However, in 1884 Namibia became a German colony. Yet at first, the Germans showed little interest in… Continue reading A Brief History of Namibia

A Brief History of Tanzania

By Tim Lambert Ancient Tanzania The first human beings in Tanzania lived by hunting animals and gathering plants. Agriculture in Tanzania probably began about 1,000 BC but the farmers still made wooden and stone tools. However, by the 4th century AD, Bantu people began to migrate to Tanzania. They brought iron tools and weapons. Meanwhile,… Continue reading A Brief History of Tanzania

A Short History of Zambia

By Tim Lambert Ancient Zambia At the time of Christ, the inhabitants of Zambia were Bushmen, Stone Age hunters, and gatherers. They hunted antelope with bows and arrows. They also snared smaller animals, they collected fruits and nuts and gathered caterpillars and locusts. They lived a semi-nomadic lifestyle and made windbreaks from stones and branches,… Continue reading A Short History of Zambia

A Brief History of Uganda

By Tim Lambert Early Uganda In 1875 the explorer Henry Stanley reached Uganda. At that time Uganda was divided into kingdoms. Shortly afterward the first missionaries came to Uganda. The first Anglican missionaries arrived in Uganda in 1877. The first Roman Catholic missionaries arrived in 1879. Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims all tried to convert the… Continue reading A Brief History of Uganda

A History of Biscuits

By Tim Lambert Early Cakes and Biscuits The word biscuit is derived from the Latin words bis cotus, meaning twice baked. The idea of making biscuits goes back to the Romans. However, biscuits, as we know them, were developed in the Middle Ages. People have eaten pancakes since the Middle Ages. (The earliest recipe dates… Continue reading A History of Biscuits

A Brief History of Lithuania

By Tim Lambert Early Lithuania The ancestors of modern Lithuanians were a people called the Balts who arrived in the area about 2,000 BC. In c.1240 AD a man named Mindaugas united the Lithuanian tribes. In 1251 he converted to Christianity. However, Mindaugas was assassinated in 1263 and his people reverted to paganism. In 1316… Continue reading A Brief History of Lithuania

A Brief History of Hungary

By Tim Lambert Ancient Hungary During the last ice age, humans in Hungary lived by hunting mammoths and reindeer with stone weapons. When the ice age ended they hunted smaller animals. However, about 5,000 BC farming was introduced into Hungary although the farmers still used stone tools. Then about 2,000 BC, they learned to use… Continue reading A Brief History of Hungary