By Tim Lambert BURY, BOROUGH This is usually a corruption of burh, which meant a fort of fortified place. Aylesbury was Aegel’s burh or burgh. Boarhunt was burh funta the spring by the fort. Narborough in Leicestershire was nor (north) burh. BY By was the Danish word for village. Derby was Deor By the deer… Continue reading The Origins of English Place Names
Category: Articles
The Reformation in England
By Tim Lambert In 1501 Arthur the oldest son of King Henry VII married Catherine of Aragon. However, Arthur died in April 1502. Henry VII’s son Henry now became heir to the throne. Henry married Catherine of Aragon, his brother’s widow in 1509. Normally such a marriage would not have been allowed but the Pope… Continue reading The Reformation in England
A Timeline of Colonial America
By Tim Lambert 1585 Walter Raleigh attempts to fund a colony in Virginia. An expedition is led by Richard Grenville. 1586 The colony is abandoned 1587 John White leads another attempt to establish a colony in Virginia. However the colonists mysteriously disappear. 17th Century America 1607 The Virginia Company founds a colony at Jamestown. 1612… Continue reading A Timeline of Colonial America
Place Names in the Meon Valley
By Tim Lambert In the 6th century AD a people from Denmark called the Meon Wara (wara meant people or tribe) settled in the Meon Valley and they gave the River Meon its name. They gave names to villages in the Meon Valley. The villages of West Meon and East Meon are obviously named after… Continue reading Place Names in the Meon Valley
A History of England in the Middle Ages
By Tim Lambert William, Duke of Normandy, was crowned King of England on 25 December 1066. However, at first, his position was by no means secure. He had only several thousand men to control a population of about 2 million. Furthermore, Swein, king of Denmark also claimed the throne of England. At first, the Normans… Continue reading A History of England in the Middle Ages
A Biography of Pol Pot
By Tim Lambert Pol Pot was one of the worst tyrants of the 20th century. Pol Pot was born in Cambodia in 1925. His family was not poor. Instead, his father was a well-off farmer. However, Pol Pot became a Marxist. Marxism was the creation of Karl Marx (1818-1883). According to him, society went through… Continue reading A Biography of Pol Pot
Ireland in the 18th Century
By Tim Lambert From 1704 all members of the Irish parliament and all holders of office had to be members of the Church of Ireland. (This Act excluded Presbyterians as well as Catholics. As a result, many Presbyterians left Ireland for North America during the 18th century). Another Act of 1704 stated that Catholics could… Continue reading Ireland in the 18th Century
A History of Ancient India
By Tim Lambert The Indus Valley Civilisation The first Indian civilization arose in the Indus valley about 2,600 BC. It actually straddled northwest India and Pakistan. By 6,500 BC the people of the area had begun farming. By 5,500 BC they had invented pottery. By about 2,600 BC a prosperous farming society had grown up.… Continue reading A History of Ancient India
Britain in the 20th Century
By Tim Lambert Britain changed hugely during the 20th century. Life for ordinary people was transformed and became much more comfortable. Life was hard for the working class at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1900 surveys showed that between 15% and 20% of the population were living at subsistence (bare survival) level. Worse… Continue reading Britain in the 20th Century
17th Century London
By Tim Lambert In the early 17th century rich men continued to build houses west of London. The Earl of Bedford built houses at Covent Garden, on the Strand, and at Long Acre. He also obtained permission to hold a fruit and vegetable market at Covent Garden. Other rich people build houses at Lincoln Inn… Continue reading 17th Century London