A Brief History of Ecuador

By Tim Lambert Early Ecuador The native people of Ecuador grew crops of maize, beans, potatoes, and squash. They kept dogs and guinea pigs for meat. Many of them were skilled potters and metalworkers in gold, silver, and copper. However, in the late 15th century they were conquered by the Incas. The Spaniards first sighted… Continue reading A Brief History of Ecuador

A Brief History of Venezuela

By Tim Lambert Early Venezuela For centuries the indigenous peoples of Venezuela lived by farming but also by hunting and fishing. Then in 1498, Christopher Columbus became the first European to reach Venezuela. In 1499 a Spaniard named Alonso de Ojeda led another expedition to the area. He called it Venezuela, meaning little Venice, after… Continue reading A Brief History of Venezuela

A History of The Incas

By Tim Lambert The Incas ruled a great empire in South America – but only for a short time. At its peak, the Inca Empire lasted less than a century before it was destroyed by the Spaniards. In about 1300 the Incas founded their capital city of Cuzco. They were only a small tribe but… Continue reading A History of The Incas

A Brief History of Algeria

By Tim Lambert Early Algeria In 150 BC Berber kingdoms existed in what is now Algeria. However, in 24 BC they were annexed by the Romans. The Romans built roads, cities, and aqueducts. Under the Romans Algeria became Christian. The famous theologian Augustine (354-430) lived in Hippo (present-day Annaba). As the Roman Empire in the… Continue reading A Brief History of Algeria

A Brief History of Africa

By Tim Lambert Ancient Africa Scientists believe that Africa was the birthplace of mankind. By 100,000 BC modern humans lived by hunting and gathering with stone tools. From Africa, they spread to Europe. By 5,000 farming had spread to North Africa. People herded cattle and they grew crops. At that time the Sahara Desert was… Continue reading A Brief History of Africa

A Brief History of Botswana

By Tim Lambert Early Botswana The earliest inhabitants of Botswana were Stone Age hunter-gatherers. some hunters carried on their simple way of life until the 20th century. However in the years before Christ was born some converted to a pastoral way of life. Then after 500 AD Bantu-speaking, people migrated to Botswana. They herded cattle… Continue reading A Brief History of Botswana