A Timeline of Derby

By Tim Lambert Early Derby c. 50 AD The Romans build a fort on the site of Belper Road c. 80 AD The Romans build a fort on east side of the River Derwent. They call the fort Derventio. 873 The Danes found the town of Derby 917 The Saxons capture Derby. The little town… Continue reading A Timeline of Derby

A Timeline of Britain in the 20th Century

By Tim Lambert 1901 Queen Victoria dies. Her son becomes Edward VII. 1904 Britain signs the Entente Cordiale (friendly understanding) with France 1906 The first dreadnought, a new and powerful battleship is launched 1908 Kenneth Grahame published The Wind In The Willows 1909 The first old-age pensions are paid 1910 Edward VII dies. George V… Continue reading A Timeline of Britain in the 20th Century

A Timeline of Albania

By Tim Lambert Early Albania c 2,100 BC The people of Albania learn to use bronze c 1,000 BC The people of Albania learn to use iron 167 BC The Romans conquer Albania 395 AD The Roman Empire permanently splits into east and west 1081 The Normans land and capture Durresi but they are driven… Continue reading A Timeline of Albania

A Timeline of Italy

By Tim Lambert Ancient Italy 800 BC The rise of the Etruscan civilization 750 BC The Greeks begin to found colonies in Italy 600 BC The Etruscans rule central Italy 510 BC Rome rebels against the Etruscans. The Romans gradually take Etruscan territory. 494 BC The Plebeians (poor Romans) withdraw from Rome and found their… Continue reading A Timeline of Italy

A Timeline of Education

By Tim Lambert Early Education C. 1,200 BC Boys from well-off families in Egypt learned reading, writing, and arithmetic. There is evidence that some women could read and write in Ancient Egypt c. 100 AD Boys and girls in Roman Britain go to a school called a ludus to learn reading and writing. At about… Continue reading A Timeline of Education

A Timeline of Punishments

By Tim Lambert 337 AD Crucifixion is abolished in the Roman Empire 1307 In Dublin a device for beheading people is mentioned 1401 In England a law makes burning the punishment for heresy 1431 In France Joan of Arc is burned 1531 In England a law makes boiling alive the punishment for poisoners 1547 Boiling… Continue reading A Timeline of Punishments

A Timeline of Plagues

By Tim Lambert 430 BC Athens is struck by an unknown disease 165-180 AD Rome is ravaged by a disease, probably smallpox or measles. 543 Plague strikes the Byzantine Empire. It then spreads to western Europe. 1346 The Black Death breaks out in Crimea 1348 The Black Death reaches England 1492 Smallpox and measles are… Continue reading A Timeline of Plagues