By Tim Lambert C. 6,000 BC Stone age hunters arrive in Scotland C. 4,500 BC Stone age farmers arrive in Scotland C 1,800 BC The Beaker People (so-called because they made pottery beakers) introduce bronze into Scotland C. 1,000 BC The sword and shield are introduced into Scotland C. 400 BC The Celts introduce iron into Scotland80 AD The Romans under… Continue reading A Timeline of Scotland
Category: Timelines of History
A Timeline of Women in the 20th Century
By Tim Lambert 1902 Women in Australia are allowed to vote in federal elections 1903 Marie Curie is the first woman to win a Nobel prize 1905 In the USA Nora Stanton Blatch Barney becomes the first woman member of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1907 Women in Finland are the first in the… Continue reading A Timeline of Women in the 20th Century
A Timeline of Science
By Tim Lambert Early Science 494-434 BC Empedocles lives. He says the world is made of 4 elements, earth, fire, water, and air. 384-322 BC Aristotle lives. Many of his ideas are wrong but they dominate science for the next 2,000 years. 276-194 BC Eratosthenes lives. He measures the circumference of the Earth. c 150 BC Aglaonike, a woman… Continue reading A Timeline of Science
A Timeline of England
By Tim Lambert C. 8,500 BC Following the end of the ice age, the climate grows much warmer. Forests spread across England. Also, the sea level rises, and England is cut off from Europe. C. 4,500 BC Farming is introduced into England C. 2,500 BC Stone age farmers build monuments called henges C. 2,000 BC Bronze is first… Continue reading A Timeline of England
A Timeline of Women’s Underwear
By Tim Lambert Early Women’s Underwear 4th century BC Greek women wear a form of bra called an apodesme 1st century AD Roman women wear a form of bra called an strophium of mamilare. They also wear a loincloth or shorts called a subligaculum. Late 16th century Women wear corsets made of whalebone. They wear… Continue reading A Timeline of Women’s Underwear
A Timeline of Women’s Rights UK
By Tim Lambert 1135-1154 Matilda claims the throne of England but there is another claimant called Stephen and the two fight a long civil war 1553 Mary Tudor becomes queen of England. She is the first woman to rule England in her own right. 1637 Amye Everard Ball is the first woman in England to… Continue reading A Timeline of Women’s Rights UK
A Timeline of Women Writers
By Tim Lambert Women Writers in the Ancient World Enheduanna 2295-2250 BC was a priestess and writer in what is now Iraq Sappho c 600 BC was a Greek woman poet Telesilla of Argos c 500 BC was a renowned poet Anyte of Tegea c 250 BC was a famous poet Julia Balbilla c 130… Continue reading A Timeline of Women Writers