A Timeline of Russia

By Tim Lambert 862 The Vikings capture Novgorod 882 The Vikings capture Kyiv. The Vikings create the nation of Rus, which grows rich and powerful. 988 Prince Vladimir converts to Christianity 1054 Yaroslav the Wise dies and Rus breaks up 1237 The Mongols invade Russia 1240 The Mongols capture Kyiv 1242 The Principality of Novgorod… Continue reading A Timeline of Russia

A Timeline of Ecuador

By Tim Lambert Early Ecuador 1526 The Spanish first sight the coast of Ecuador 1534 The Spanish conquer Ecuador. The Spanish found Quito. 1545 The bishopric of Quito is founded 1557 The Spanish found Cuenca 1717 Ecuador becomes part of the Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada 1820 The people of Ecuador rebel against Spain 1822 Ecuador… Continue reading A Timeline of Ecuador

A Timeline of Indonesia

By Tim Lambert Early Indonesia c. 2,500 BC People in Indonesia learn to farm. They grow taro, bananas, millet and rice c. 700 BC Bronze and iron are first used in Indonesia 400 BC The Indonesians trade with China and India 8th century AD Civilization in Indonesia is flourishing. The kingdom of Sriwijaya exists in… Continue reading A Timeline of Indonesia

A Timeline of Chile

By Tim Lambert Early Chile 12,000 BC Human beings arrive in Chile 2,500 BC Farming begins in northern Chile 15th Century AD The Incas conquer northern Chile 1533 The Spanish conquer the Inca Empire 1540 Santiago is founded 1700 The population of Chile is about 100,000 1800 The population of Chile reaches about 500,000 1810… Continue reading A Timeline of Chile

A Timeline of Japan

By Tim Lambert Ancient Japan c. 8,000 BC People in Japan begin making pottery. They live by hunting, fishing, and collecting shellfish. c. 300 BC – 300 AD The Yayoi period in Japan. The Japanese begin growing rice, weaving cloth, and using bronze and iron. 300 – 710 AD The Kofun Period. Japan is gradually… Continue reading A Timeline of Japan

A Timeline of Malta

By Tim Lambert Early Malta 5,200 BC Stone Age farmers arrive in Malta 3,600-2,500 BC The age of building temples in Malta 800 BC The Phoenicians from Lebanon sail to Malta 400 BC The city of Carthage in North Africa rules Malta 218 BC The Romans conquer Malta c. 60 AD The missionary Paul is… Continue reading A Timeline of Malta

A Timeline of Cambodia

By Tim Lambert Early Cambodia c 2,300 BC People in Cambodia begin farming. At first they use stone tools. 1,500 BC People in Cambodia begin using bronze tools 500 BC People in Cambodia begin using iron. The first civilisation arises in the Mekong River Delta. c 600 AD All of Cambodia is highly civilized 802… Continue reading A Timeline of Cambodia

A Timeline of Clothes

By Tim Lambert 20,000 BC In Europe people make warm clothes such as trousers, coats, and boots from animal skins using bone needles 1200 BC Men in Egypt wear loincloths and a kind of kilt. Women wear dresses with shoulder straps. Both sexes wear jewelry. 400 BC Women in Greece wear long dresses that cover… Continue reading A Timeline of Clothes